World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Dr. Monika Gupta and Dr. Sharuti Sarin*


India is known for its traditional medicinal systems namely Ayurveda. The ayurvedic formulations are multicomponent mixtures containing plants, animals derived Products, minerals and metals and Dashmoola is considered to be one of the most effective mixture of various plants which are used widely in ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, Dashmoola mainly acts on Vata Dosha and reduces its aggravation. It also acts on organs located in Vata locations-Pelvis, Bladder, Colon, Kidney, Bones,Ears and lower limbs. It also reduces constipation, improves the health of intestine, improves urine flow, remove toxins from the kidneys, strengthens bones, improves hearing capabilities and reduces pain occurring in lower limbs. The Dashmoola combination also eases in breathing troubles, especially that occurring at night. Dashmoola offers potent medicinal properties, which are beneficial in the treatment and prevention of several disorders .It can be used to treat the conditions affecting the nerves, bones, muscles, and joints. Dashmoola produces powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions. Hence, it is used to treat painful, inflammatory conditions related to musculoskeletal system such as osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

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