World Journal of
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Saxena Varsha* and Kumar Pradeep


Ayurveda a complete system of medicine has its own path of thinking, anatomy, physiology, etiology, clinical assessment, and management The Ayurvedic system of medicine is based on the concept of balancing body Dos has. Like other pathological conditions Vidradhi has been documented in the Brihat Trayee, the Charaka Samhita, the Susruta Samhita and Astanga Samgraha. According to Sushruta the extremely deranged vata, pitta and kapha get settled in the asthi after vitiating the Twak, Rakta, Mamsa , Medas and give rise to deep seated, painful round or extended swelling which is called as Vidradhi. Vidradhi is compared to abscess in modern medical sciences. Severe pain is the main clinical feature which hampers the daily routine of patient, so the treatment becomes essential. To treat the cases of Vidradhi, there are many treatment modalities in medical sciences, but the question is of recurrence and complications. In Vidradhi line of treatment is to get relief from pain and inflammation. Fortunately, in Ayurveda, there are measures that one can take to avoid scenario. Along with Mridusamaka and Pachana treatment quickly effective Raktamokshana by leech therapy (Jalaukavacharana) is said to be the treatment of choice of Apakwa Vidradhi. It is minimal invasive operative technique and requires no instrumentation. The procedure may be performed even without anesthesia with minimal stay. In this study randomly selected 15 patients (irrespective of age, sex, religion and economic status) suffering from Amavastha and Pachyamanavastha vidradhi (irrespective of its site). Leech therapy is an ancient bloodletting technique firstly described in Ayurveda by the name of Jalaukavacharan. A leech contains various bioactive substances, which have potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anaesthetic properties etc. Purpose of this present clinical study is to evaluate the role of leech therapy in vidradhi (Amavastha and Pachyamanavastha) in the light of modern medical science.

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