Dr. Sarita Kumari* and Dr. Rekha Bajpai
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine concerned with care and treatment of elderly. The word geriatrics has a close link with Sanskrit word geeryadi which means degenerated. according to ayurveda ageing is outcome of kala or prinam. vata dosa is most important factor in pathophysiology because of its natural predominance in old age. geriatric care has two distinct dimension, 1. promotion of health and longevity. 2. management of disease of old age, Ayurveda is strong in terms of first dimension of problem as it has rich potential to promote health of elderly besides the scope of rejuvenation and promotion of longevity. Human body consist of sapt dhatus and dhatus get degenerated due to body prolonged structural changes. during old age we can not enhance the capacity of dhatus but it can be protected and rejuvenated by using rasayana therapy, geriatric panchkarma, regular yoga and meditation, maintenance of social and personal hygiene along with dietary care. mental health care in elderly with social support. these measures also help to retard senile neurodegeneration and other age related disorder.anti ageing ayurvedic medicine and various herbal drugs are also useful in age related disorder. prevention and management of health problem could help elderly to improve quality of life and remain self dependent for their daily activities to maximum possible effect.
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