*Dr. Smritika Taware, Dr. Aboli Patil, Dr. Deepak Khawale and Dr. Patil Jayashree
Role of Madanphala Choorna Yoni Dhupan chikitsa in Prolonged second stage of labour. Background: Garbhasanga means cessation and so delay in progress of labour. Garbhasanga is seen in Prajanayishyaman awastha according to Sushrut. We can correlate this awastha with second and third stage of labour as per modern. Thus we can establish correlation between Garbhasanga and Prolonged second stage of labour as there is full dilatation of cervix but yet there is inadequate descent of vertex. Sushrut and Vagbhat have mentioned Dhupan Chikitsa in this condition. Madanphala dhupan is sukshma strotogami hence advised by our acharyas in emergency condition like Garbhasanga where it acts locally without any systemic changes. It is used for stimulation that acts like local stimulant enhancing progress of labour. Aims and objectives 1. To study the effect of madanphal choorna yonidhupan chikitsa in prolonged second stage of labour. 2. Literary study of madanphala choorna. 3. Literary study of Garbhasanga and prolonged second stage of labour. 4. To study the causes of Garbhasanga. Assessment Criteria 1. Duration of second and third stage of labour. 2. Duration and frequency of contractions every 10 mins. 3. Station of vertex in relation to ischial spines. Methods- For this projects, we have selected total 15 patients randomly came for delivery in obstetrical[IPD]. ? Obstetrical history, paricharya, gestational age, foetal maturity,systemic examination were taken. By doing per abdominal and per vaginal examination characteristics of aavi and stages of labour were fixed. After our routine management for Active stage the patient was observed. No progress in aavi, descent of foetal head after full dilatation of cervix after the arbitrarily decided limit was chosen for study. The median duration of second stage is 50 mins for primi and 20 mins for multi(Ref-Gabbe Niebyl Simpson-Obs normal and problem pregnancy). Patients who exceeded this limit were chosen for study. Yoni dhupan chikitsa was given a. 15 patients were selected for Yoni Dhupan chikitsa. The drug used in yonidhupan chikitsa. - Madanphala choorna. Results - Out of 15 patients 14 in both group delivered without any complication. Conclusion 1. Madanphala choorna enhances progress of labour. 2. It increases the aavi and enhances the power essential for expulsion of foetus and desent of fetal head. So total outcome is good. 3. It has very good effect on third stage of labour. 4. No adverse effects seen on mother and foetus.
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