World Journal of
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Dr. Karishma Kapoor*


Health status of women is essential for healthy society. Karnini Yonivyapad is one among the 20 gynaecological disorders. Karnini Yonivyapad can be correlated as Cervical erosion due to its clinical features described in in ayurvedic literature. About 85% of women suffers from cervical erosion which is a benign condition of female genital tract and seen in the age group of 20-40 years during Reproductive lifetime. Yoni Srava and other features of Kapha pittadushti are seen in cervical erosion. It is seen as red circular granular surface surrounding the cervical os bathed in discharges. Though its not a fatal one yet the longterm association with the disease and the number of symptoms both related to genito-urinary system as well as psychological imbalance in patient needs attention. Karnini is an abnormal proliferation of cervical epithelium which may alter the vaginal PH and cervical mucus plug. Chikitsa of Karnini Yonivyapad is Yoni Prakshalana, Yoni Pichu Dharana, Yoni Varati Dharana, Agni Karam and Kshara Karma. Pathya Apathya are to be properly followed which plays an important role.

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