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Dr. Shivakumar S. Shettar* and Dr. Manjunath S.


The Shalya tantra, an excellent part of Astanga Ayurveda, Sushruta explained the advances of the tantra in different Ano-rectal sicknesses, as Arsha is one among them. Arsha is being described by all the classics of Ayurveda, Acharya Sushruta even placed this disorder in the Arsha astha mahagad.[1] Arsha occurs in guda region, which is undoubtedly marma. Ahithaaharvihar and sedentary life style result in disturb of jatharagni leading to vitiation of tridosa, mainly vata dosha. These vitiated doshas get localized in guda vali and pradhan dhamani which further vitiates twak, mans, and meda dhatus due to Annavha shroto dusti lead to development of Arsha. The flawed dietary example and way of life, physical distortions and inherited factors are the significant etiological variables of this sickness. Ayurveda Acharya Sushruta mention fourfold management of has been indicated viz. Bheshaj karma, Kshar Karma, Agnikarma and Shastra Karma according to chronicity and presentation of the disease.

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