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Marjeena Khansab Nadaf*, Papiya Jana and Anupama V.


Background: Asridgara is a commom gynecological problem seen in the OPD. Asrigdhara means Dirana i’e. excessive excretion of Asruk i’e excessive or prolonged menstruation with or without inter-mentrual bleeding. Asrigdhara is one of the Vikara of Raktavaha Srotas. The Nidanas leading to vitiation of Tridosha in Garbhashayagata Siras and Artavavaha Srotas leading to Artava Atipravrutti. Excessive bleeding during menstruation can result in restriction of her daily activities and reduces her efficiency in society. If appropriate measures are not adopted than it can be a life threatening also due to excessive bleeding. Commonly used treatment for Asrigdara is only time bedding, which leads to recurrence of the condition. In modern medicine haemostatic, analgesic and hormonal therapies are advised for menorrhagia, which has limitations. Hence it is need of time to have an integrated and comprehensive therapeutic intervention in Ayurveda to prevent recurrence. Aims and Objectives: To establish the role of Atyayika Chikitsa and Srotomoola Chikitsa in Asrigdhara. Materials and Methods: It is a single case study done at Sri Kalabyraweshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Vijayanagar Bangalore. A case of Asrigdara treated with Piccha Basti as Atyayika Chikitsa and Srotomoola Chikitsa to correct the Raktavaha Sroto Dushti. Results: The treatment was effective in relieving all the symptoms of Asrigdara. Conclusion: The case report shows that Ayurvedic treatment is potent in management of Asrigdara. There are no adverse effect noted during and after the treatment. Hence it can be concluded that Asrigdara is effectively treated by using Chikitsa Siddhanta mentioned in Ayurveda.

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