World Journal of
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Dr. Swati Raikwar* and Dr. Rathi S.


Hair is among the valuable parts of the physique derived from ectoderm of the skin and is a protective appendage on the physique. Hair plays an important role in making body externally beautiful, good looking long hair makes a person mentally enthusiastic and healthy. Khalitya is mainly a Pitta dominant Tridoshaja Vyadhi. In Ayurveda Khalitya means hair fall and it closely resembles to baldness or Alopecia in modern science. In present era millions of people are suffering from hair fall. Alopecia is one of the minor diseases which is affecting approximately 1.7% of the world population and challenging task for physicians. Khalitya has been described in Ayurveda under the heading of Kshudra Roga or Shiroroga (diseases of head & scalp). In Ayurveda various Bahya and Abhyantar Chikitsa is described for Khalitya. Like Nasya, Raktamokshana, Virechana Karma (Purgation), Taila abhyanga, Lepa and Rasayana drugs are used for hair loss. This study has been undertaken to find a more Ayurvedic promising remedy.

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