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Dr. Supreetha*, Dr. Lolashri S. J. and Dr. Kiran M. Goud


Avascular Necrosis of femoral head is a condition caused due to loss of blood supply to the femoral head due to any injury or any occlusion nourishing the bone tissue. If not treated earlier it may leads to bone collapse. Now a days the cases are increasing, management mostly include NSAIDs, core decompression surgery, bone grafting etc in the contemporary science. In ayurveda we can correlate AVN of femoral head to asthi majjagata vata based on the signs and symptoms. The main treatment indicated for asthimajjagata vata is panchakarma mainly focusing on basti. Materials and Methods: A randomised single case study of a diagnosed non operated case of AVN of bilateral hip with limping gait and restricted movement of hip. An effort has been made in the present study to evaluate the efficacy of kramataha shodhana followed by rasayana in AVN of bilateral hip joint. Results: significant improvement was noticed after the treatment. pain was reduced significantly and there was improvement in range of motion. Patient was able to walk without any difficulty and able to stand for longer duration without pain. Discussion: Avascular necrosis is also called as osteonecrosis of femoral head caused due to the interruption in blood supply to femoral head in the present study. In the contemporary science surgery is the only option which is cost worthy and the prognosis is poor. In the present study, AVN of femoral head is managed successfully in the lines of asthimajjagata vata through panchakarma in the form of rookshana poorvaka kramatah shodhana and rasayana therapy. After the treatment significant result was seen symptomatically.

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