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Laxmi Mahajan*, Sanskruti Somkuwar and Dr. Nilesh M Ingle


Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of crippling in children these days. It results from damage to the growing brain. The prevalence of CP in children remains at 2-2.5/1000 live births in India. A specialised branch of Ayurveda known as *Kaumarbhritya* deals with the child health care and management of these disorders in children . Cerebral palsy cannot be correlated with any single disease condition in Ayurveda, it can be compared with *Shiromarmaabhighataj Vat Vyadhis* as far as its etiology and symptoms are concerned. Though CP cannot be cured completely but the quality of life as well as the dependency of the child can be reduced with suitable treatment. Here an effort was made to treat a 2 year old male child with CP using multiple Ayurveda modalities. At the end of 30 days with the use of Kshirbalatail basti a remarkable improvement in the overall effect of therapy was seen. Basti karma is described as Amrit(nectar) by acharya Kashyap that can be given in all ages. Vata dosha is the principle cause for a number of diseases therefore there is no other cure for the relieve of that increased Vatadosha except for Basti that’s why learned vaidyas consider basti as Ardha chikitsa while some call it as Sampurna Chikitsa or complete treatment for the eradication of increased Vata dosha. Basti karma in paediatrics is the most useful therapy that works rightly in overall progression and advancement of child Therefore with the help of this paper the scientific evaluation and critical analysis with proper management of CP through basti in a paediatric case has been mentioned.

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  All Since 2020
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