World Journal of
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Dr. Amey K. Naware*, Dr. Sachin Chandaliya and Dr. Samir Girde


In modern days, as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, mental stress and other factors, people invite numerous diseases. Sthoulya (Obesity) is one among the major lifestyle issue that puts people at risk. It has reached pandemic proportions in India in 21st century, impacting 5% of the population. Obesity is characterized to excessive accumulation of fat. In Ayurveda, Sthoulya is considered as Santarpanajanya vyadhi (over nutrition) which is mainly caused by KaphaVata Dosha and excessive accumulation of Meda (depose fat) in body. Udvartana is one of the Panchakarma therapies which possesses Shoshana (absorption) and Kapha Medohara (alleviation of vitiated Kapha and Meda) properties. It differs from Abyanga in that of direction of application and pressure of the massage. Millets are grains used traditionally for thier nutritional and medicinal values. In various classical texts, millets are mentioned in the form of Trin dhanya and Kshudra dhanya. Various millets such as yavanala, kodo have Kashaya-Madhura rasa, Katu Vipaka, Sheeta Veerya, Laghu-Ruksha Guna and have Karma like kapha-pittaharan, Lekhana, Kledashoshana. Analysing the general attributes and effects of millets, it gives an obvious idea that Udvartana with different powder of millets leads to scrapping of Vikrita Kapha Dosha, accumulated medo Dhatu and removes aavarana and srotorodha resulting in laghutva of Sharira which ultimately shows its benefits in Sthoulya (Obesity).

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