*Dr. Gopnarayan Atul Ramesh and Dr. Alte Priyanaka Pandurang
Grahani derived from Dhatu ''graha'' which suggests ''to catch'' ''to hold'' or ''to get'. The word Grahani in ayurveda is related to Agni (digestive fire) which helps in the metabolism and digestion of food. Ayurvedic texts describe the ingestion, digestion, absorption and association of Aahaar by Grahani. Normally it retains the undigested food and releases the digested stuff through the side of its Grahani which is the site of Agni, is so called because of its power to restrain the downward movement of undigested food and retains food till it is fully digested. Functionally weak Agni i.e. Mandagni [weak digestive fire] causes impaired digestion of ingested food, which lead to Amadosha and it has vital importance in the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. Any disturbance in Agni leads to an improper digestion of food. The main symptoms of Mal absorption are diarrhoea, loss of appetite, anorexia, and emaciation. The principle of diet for all types of Grahani is boost the Agni and decrese the Ama with the help of Ahara Dravyas, which included mainly Kashaya, Madhura and Katu in Rasa [taste]; Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana and Pachana in Guna [property]; Ushna in Veerya [potency] and Katu or Madhura in Vipaka [effects on digesion]. The diet regime suggested by Ayurveda helps in stimulation of Agni, which helps the digestion of food of appropriate quality, taken in required quantity and in right time for cure of Grahani Dosha or Malabsorption.[5] In Ayurveda Mandagni [weak digestive fire] is considered as the root cause for manifestation of many diseases. Among them, Grahani Roga is one of the prime disease of gastro-intestinal tract and seen often in day to day practice. Grahani and Agni are depends on each other. Mandagni leads to Ama Dosha [accumulated toxins] which may result in Grahani Roga over time. Thus we can resume the bowel habit to normal, improve the overall nutritional status of patients and can prevent or reduce the complications of Malabsorption with the help of Ayurvedic principles.
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