World Journal of
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Rizaeva Manzurakhon Asrorovna*, Kamilov Khalidbek Mukhamedjanovich and Khamraeva Gavhar Khusanovna


? Aim: To analyze the assessment of endothelial dysfunction in patients with anterior uveitis who have undergone COVID-19. The actuality of the research: Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is characterized by an imbalance between factors of relaxation and contraction, procoagulant and anticoagulant substances, and pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators. It plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of anterior uveitis in COVID-19 patients. ? Methods: The study included 64 patients (64 eyes) with anterior uveitis who had undergone COVID-19 treatment at the Republican Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital. The patients' ages ranged from 20 to 61 years. A control group of 20 healthy individuals (20 eyes) was also included. All patients underwent various ophthalmic tests, including visometry, pneumotonometry, perimetry, biomicroscopy, B-scanning, and ophthalmoscopy. A blood test was conducted using enzyme immunoassay to measure fibronectin, endothelin-1, and Von Willebrand factor in blood plasma. a large selection of HUMAN ELISA kits and IFA-Fn kits manufactured by “NVO Immunoteks” closed joint stock company (Russia) were applied using a Mindray semi-automatic analyzer for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of endothelial growth factor. ? Results: The research showed a significant increase in vascular endothelial growth factor in the examined patients by an average of 41% compared to the control group. The level of endothelin-1 in patients with anterior uveitis who underwent COVID-19 was increased by 2.7 times relative to the comparison group. Such an increase in the level of endothelin-1 indicates an endothelial dysfunction that worsens as the disease progresses and is due to the state of ischemia that occurs when blood circulation is disturbed. In conclusion, endothelial dysfunction plays a crucial role in the development of anterior uveitis in COVID-19 patients. Therefore, finding methods to treat it will reduce the risk of vascular complications. Keywords for this study include endothelial vascular dysfunction, anterior uveitis, post-COVID, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), endothelin-1, fibronectin, and Von Willebrand factor.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
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