World Journal of
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Dr. Sushanta Sahu* and Dr. Simadri Bhusan Nayak


Genetic is the science of inheritance it came into existence at least 2500 B.C. The blossom of scientific revolution in human genetics has been started since ancient period. The genetic factors which are responsible for procreation of human being, concept of Beeja (germ cells), Beejabhag (chromosome) and Beejabhagabayab (gene) Upotapta, (mutation) determination of sex, concept of eugenic principle etc. Prakriti is one of the outstanding contributions in Ayurveda in the field of genetics. Prakriti is the basic factor which is determined at the very time of the conjugation of Sukranu and Andanu in the presence of Beeja, Kshetra. The concept of the Prakriti plays a central role in understanding health and disease in Ayurveda. Sex chromosomal abnormality one of the congenital abnormalities having strong genetic susceptibility. Due to defects in seed (sperm, ovum) and associated with the soul, uterus, time and food as well as regimen of the mother, Dosas gets variously vitiated and leads to the impairment of the shape, colour, sensory as well as motor organs of the offspring. In order to create acceptable scientific evidence on genetics described in Ayurved, a scientific and systemized approach is needed for scientific validation on the subject.

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