World Journal of
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*Dr Pooja Kohli and Dr Naresh Garg


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a complicated condition, affecting as much as 20% of the population in India. Many IBS patients report having depressive thoughts and other symptoms that make them feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of IBS symptoms can have a negative effect on the quality of daily life. The condition has a negative effect on the quality of relationships and limits participation in routine social activities. Because the symptoms of this illness are chronic, sometimes severe, and often do not respond well to treatment, the standard quality of life is reduced for those who have it. Although there is no test for IBS, diagnostic testing is conducted to rule out other issues. There is no single disorder in Ayurveda that can be co-relate with IBS, at least not by looking into the text directly as Ayurveda is entirely based on its basic principles. However, there are some conditions that are quite similar to IBS in terms of the symptoms such as Vata-type disorders and some Pitta-dominant disorders such as Grahani, Pravahika. In Ayurvedic medicine, the concept of psychosomatic disorders has been widely discussed. Charaka emphasizes the importance of considering gut-brain connectivity and how it impacts one’s overall health. The Annavaha, Purishava, Rasavaha, and Manovaha Srotodushti, five types of Srotas or channels can carry out their actions only if there is Vritti. Acharya Charak goes on to explain that when mind, three Dosha and mind-body connect with each other than disease may develop in body parts (Sharira).

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