World Journal of
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*Dr. Priyanka Joshi and Dr. Shubhangi Chandanpat


As per the Acharya Kashyapa, Suvarnaprasana Therapy is lead to improve memory, brainpower and immunity in infants. Conventionally Shuddha Suvarna has been advised to be emulsified with madhu and ghrita to attain a well colloidal suspension. Suvarnaprasana is getting extensively popular, being administered on the Pushyanakshatra of every month in India. The effect of Suvarnaprashana in infants mentioned in Samhitas that the quick inclusion & absorption of gold nano-particles contain in the Suvarna bindu. Scientific researches on nanoparticle confirm that it can by-pass digestion and are directly absorbed via the sub-lingual route in to the blood flow. Gold nanoparticles have been found to be absorbed in the small intestines and nanoparticles less than 58 nm in size reached the target organs via blood. Suvarnaprashana has been prescribed to be given on empty stomach to assure utmost absorption without intervention of food. Slightest break of 2 hours should be given after intake food for administering Suvarnaprashana. It has an outstanding capacity in enhancing community health by ensuring healthy childhood. Suvarnaprashana is a completely Rasayana Chikitsa, oversee for the physical, mental, intellectual & Spiritual health of the children. It can be carefully prescribed to newborn and kids up to 16 years of age. There is vital necessity of standardizing the arrangements, dose, period and manner of administrations. It requires be popularizing and promoting as a proactive and preventive therapy in society.

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