World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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*Manisha Nakade, Dr. Chakresh Patley, Dr. Rajesh Mujoriya, Priya Bisen, Kunal Zode


The natural medicinal plants can boost self-cure, perfect health, andlongevity. Acacia nilotica Lam (Acacia) is an imperative and oldest one from Plant that possesses many medicinal uses. Acacia Arabica commonly known as babul belongs to the family Fabaceae is widely distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical plains all over India, Sri Lanka, and Sudan, this plant is native to Egypt. Almost all its parts such as root, bark, leaves, flower, gum, Young pods are utilized as nutrients and therapeutic remedies to hinder, Alleviate, or manage many illnesses. In traditional medicine, it is used for bleeding diseases, prolapse, leucorrhoea etc and experimental studies of A. arabica showed antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti plasmodial activity, anti cancer and anti mutagenic, antibiotic, antidiabetic, anti hyperlipidemic activity of Acacia nilotica. From these review I concluded Acacia may become a natural, inexpensive alternative to pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs.

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