World Journal of
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Dr. Niranjan S., Dr. Swapna Swayamprava, Dr. Subrat Kumar Ojha, Dr. Debasis Biswal, Dr. Ayushlal P. M., Dr. Ankur Saxena, Dr. Dharmendra K. Mishra and Dr. Vikas Baboo


It is always interesting to probe into the mystery of mind. Every domains of mind in Ayurveda like buddhi (power of acquisition), pragya (wisdom), medha (intelligence) etc. are well explained in our treatises but are placed in a scattered manner. In the present context the exploration of different viewpoints of medha are explained. Different understandings of medha like yougika artha, samanya artha and vishesha artha are discussed. Under the subheading of vishesha artha several meanings of medha as discussed in the classical literatures like Medha as Grahana shakti (grasping power), Medha as Dharana shakti (retention power), Medha as Smarana shakti (power of recollection), Medha as Viveka shakti (power of discrimination) and Medha as Special Karma shakti (power of specific intelligence) are discussed. Apart from these medhya property as Medhajanaka or Pavitra (Improving medha or Pure/Holy). Related terms of medha in contemporary science, that is, memory, intelligence aspects are also dealt herewith. Role of tridoshas in proper functioning of medha is highlighted. Medha is a faculty of buddhi (power of acquisition) or is a specific psychic ability which is responsible for encoding and retaining a large amount of knowledge. It is having a broad meaning and can be understood as Grahana shakti (vata dosha) or Dharana shakti (kapha dosha) or Viveka shakti (pitta dosha) or Smruti shakti (tridosha) or even it maybe a special karma shakti. In modern comparison intelligence as a whole in connection with memory can be considered as medha.

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