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Vd. Shubhangi Apashchim Baranth*


Ayurveda deals with health and health problems and suggests the preventive methods for health problems and the methods that helps in boost immunity. Ayurveda strongly recommends the prevention is better than cure is an age old saying, holding good for good. It is the science that can assure positive health including physical, mental, spiritual well-being and preventing/combating diseases. Rituthe season, classified by different features expresses different effects on the body as well as the (Charya), regarding diet and behaviour to acclimatize seasonal enforcement easily without altering body homeostasis. The prime principle of Ayurvedic system of medicine is preventive aspect, can be achieved by the change in diet and practices in response to change in climate condition. This is very important aspect of preventive medicine as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Life style disorders are very common in the present era, basically originating from lack of following seasonal regimens due to lack of concentration in seasonal characteristics. To maintain the proper homeostasis in body it is inevitable to follow the Pathya and Apathya, Ahara-Viahara in each Ritu. All Acharyas have uniquely described regarding the same in Samhithas. VasanthaRutu (March 15-May 15) comes under the Adanakala constituting of Chaithra and Vaishaka Masa. Kaphadosha accumulated in Vasant Ritucharya so in this season Panchakarma Vaman procedure should be performed. Vasant Ritu Subside the excessive pitta dosha so this Ritu maintain the Physical & Mental Health.

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