World Journal of
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*Kobarne Harshad Popat, Tagad Shubham Vilas, Kobarne Yogita Rajendra and Gholap Suraj Machindra


Diabetes is a common condition that affects people of all ages. One of the most frequent noncommunicable diseases in the world is diabetes mellitus. India faces many challenges in diabetes management, including a rising prevalence in urban and rural areas, a lack of disease awareness among the public, limited healthcare facilities, a high cost of glycemic treatment, suboptimal control, and a rising prevalence of diabetic complications. I fixed it so that in 2010, there were globally 2085 million people (appropriate), mainly 6.4% of the adult population, suffering from this disease. The review is based on a search on Medline. the Cochrane database of systemic reviews and citation lists of relevant publications There is definitely more intensive research in this field that will eventually reflect on the ultimate objective of improving diagnosis and therapy and minimizing the chance of chronic complications developing. The molecular genetics of diabetes has been extended in recent years by many prominent investigators and research groups in the biomedical field. Worldwide, people with poorly managed diabetes are controlling their diabetes and gaining body weight. An update of this review on unknown complications resulted in the management of treatment data for the disease. The article also provides a summary of disease management through various strategies.

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