Vinay K. P.* and Janardhana Swamy K. R.
The incidence of occupational accidents is more frequent in the word as well as in our country. Occupational accidents occur due to the many reasons which cause injuries and the extent of death. Most of the deaths occur due to the sudden cardiac arrest and respiratory failure at work place. Death rate is high because of lack of knowledge on handling the emergencies among the workers. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency life saving procedure which can be performed during fatal medical emergencies. Skill training the blue collar workers on CPR can reduce the occupational death rates at work place and also helps them to handle the emergency situation in meaningful way and save lives. Hands on skill training on CPR impart and improves the knowledge and skill of blue collar workers. Thus the blue collar worker can react to the emergency situation and handle medical casualty and can reduce the occupational mortality rate. Hence the investigator felt the need to assess the knowledge and skill of the blue collar workers on CPR and to check the effectiveness of hands on skill training program on CPR technique. Aim: The overall aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of hands on skill training program on CPR technique. Objectives of the Study: 1. To determine the existing knowledge on CPR among the blue collar workers using structured knowledge questionnaire. 2. To determine the existing skills on CPR among the blue collar workers using observation checklist. 3. To find out the effectiveness of the hands on skill training program on CPR technique in terms of knowledge and skills among the blue collar workers using same structured knowledge questionnaire and observational check list. 4. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge and skills scores on CPR among blue collar workers with selected base line variables. Method: An evaluator approach with a pre-experimental, one group pre-test – post-test Design was adopted in the present study to accomplish the objectives. A structured Knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and observation check list for assessing skill of blue collar worker on CPR technique, followed by hands on skill training program. The reliability of the tool-I(structure knowledge questionnaire) was tested by using split half method. The tool-I was found reliable (r =0.82; p<0.05). The reliability of the tool-II (Observational checklist) was tested by using inter rated observer method. The tool-II was found reliable (r =0.94; p<0.05).Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 36 blue collars, show are working in selected industry. Results: The findings of the study revealed that the pre-test knowledge level of the Blue collar worker was moderately adequate (91%) and 3 % had inadequate knowledge. All the blue collar workers 100% had poor skill level on CPR technique. The post test knowledge score (24.53±2.22) was higher than the pre-test knowledge score (17.72±2.66). Paired ‘t’ test was used to find the effectiveness. The calculated’ value in knowledge (10.59,P<0.005) was greater than the table value (2.02).The post test skill score (21.50±2.15) was higher than the pre-test knowledge score (4.47±1.08). Paired ‘t’ test was used to find the effectiveness. The calculated’ value in skill level (42.63,P<0.005) was greater than the table value (2.00).This showed that the gain in the knowledge and increase in skill level on CPR among blue collar worker was significant after administering hands on skill training program. There was correlation with the post-test knowledge and post-test skill, concluding that as the knowledge increased the skill level on CPR will increases. Association between pre-test knowledge with personnel characteristics revealed that there was no significant association between the pre-existing knowledge and demographic variables on CPR. Association between pre-test skills with personnel characteristics revealed that there was significant association between the pre-existing skills on CPR and demographic variables. Conclusion: The present study revealed that the blue collar workers have lack of knowledge and skills on CPR and the overall findings of the study revealed that there was highly significant increase in the knowledge and skill of blue collar workers on, CPR following the administration of the structured educational package. Therefore it was concluded that the hands on skill training program was highly effective in improving the knowledge and skill of blue collar worker.
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