World Journal of
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Kantheti V. Lakshmi Devi, A. V. V. S. Swamy*, V. Subhashini and S. Srinivasa Raju


The present study was carried out from December'2019 to November'2021 for two years to analyse the seasonal variations in selected polyculture ponds in Atapaka, Kaikalur Mandal and Tadinada, Kalidindi Mandal of Eluru District of Andhra Pradesh. In the Atapaka polyculture pond, Catla, Rohu and Mrigal are grown. In the Tadinada, Catla, Rohu and Roopchand species are cultured. Catla is a surface feeder. Rohu and Roop Chand feed from the middle level. Mrigal is a bottom feeder. The findings from the analysis of physicochemical parameters were compared with prescribed standard limits.[9] The physicochemical parameters such as pH, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Hardness, Calcium as Ca, Magnesium as Mg, Carbonate, Bicarbonate, Hydrogen Sulphide, Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, Total Dissolved Solids, COD and BOD were analysed using standard methods.[2] The results showed that in Atapaka polyculture pond, the physicochemical parameters pH, carbonates, calcium, nitrates, ammonia, and DO were found within the permissible limits.[9] TDS, Salinity, Total Hardness, and Magnesium have exceeded the specified standards. Tadinada polyculture pond has also shown a similar trend. Seasonal or diel variations have not affected the average fish production in culture ponds because of regular monitoring of water quality and water replenishment. Despite the variations in the physicochemical parameters, the productivity in the ponds is not affected because of resistance supplemented by the antibiotics and probiotics used for the culture fishery.

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