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Deepa M. Nelaguddad* and Anupama V.


Puberty- is the metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. For the safe and healthy reproductive life. Puberty is an important milestone in woman’s life. The future maternal health lies in the hands of initial care taken during puberty. The pubertal changes starts from the age of 8 years in a girl where the gradual development of secondary sexual characteristics takes place along with physical and psychological changes. Nowadays because of faulty lifestyle and food habits, puberty related complications like precocious puberty, delayed puberty and menstrual abnormalities are commonly seen. Ayurvedic classics has given importance to the onset of menstruation (menarche). The changes during puberty are explained as romaraji utpatti, artava pravritti at the age of 12 years by all the Acharyas which is considered under balyavastha. They have also talked about the regimen to be followed. The lifestyle followed before and during puberty will have a lifelong impact. Negligence to the health during this stage may result in various gynaecological problems including infertility. Proper Ayurvedic care will help the transition from childhood to adulthood easier and comfortable.

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