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Peeyush Trivedi* BAMS MD PHD


Marma Chikitsa is an untouched chapter of Indian system. In Vedas and literatures of ayurveda, the concept of marma was limited to war, and were mainly considered as only fatal points. Trauma to them leads to deformity or even death. Different authorities of ayurveda mentioned 107 Marma points based on anatomical positions and different structures around them. Marma are seats of Prana (Vital points), they effect physical, mental, social, spiritual and health conditions of human beings. The flow of Prana or vital energy in the body maintains different physiological, mental and spiritual activities. If the flow of Prana or vital energy gets obstructed or blocked, the physiology is disturbed and pathology start developing. Marma points are stimulated by different techniques or methods, so by stimulations, Marma may be directed to remove blockages and stimulate Prana or energy flow thus resulting in a state of healthy body, mind and spirit. Marma Chikitsa is an instant, permanent, natural and non-invasive way of healing in present scenario. Marma Chikitsa had emerged as new dimensions in non- pharmacological treatment of Ayurveda. The health of the people reflects the social welfare parameters of any civilized state. So, knowledge of Marma and Marma Chikitsa will be beneficial in maintenance of health and pre- vention from diseases. It is said that there was nectar in the umbilicus of Ravana. Lord Rama fired an arrow into the umbilicus of Ravana causing his death. Lord Krishna was killed by the injury of an arrow, on the sole of his foot, thrown by a bird kill- er. As we know that Bhisma Pitamaha (of Mahabharata) was injured by a number of arrows pierced in his body but he lived with arrows for six months. It was only due to the safety of the vital Marma points.

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