World Journal of
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Tandri Giling Rasyid, Syaifuddin*, Kartika Ekasari, Mufidah Muis and Nurhayati


The problems that occur in the farming community are that many do not continue the partnership that occurs because mutual trust between the nucleus and plasma has not been developed by both parties, as a result of the partnership not being professional or written. Therefore, this study wants to know in terms of mutual trust in plasma and vice versa in partnerships for sustainable livestock development. In order for this research to have an operational direction, the stated research objective is to determine the level of mutual trust in plasma and vice versa in conducting sustainable livestock business partnerships. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data was collected using questionnaires and direct interviews with 15 plasma respondents who came from farmers who entered into partnerships, and 10 respondents who came from nucleus. This research was conducted in one of the districts in West Sulawesi. The focus of the research concerns the behavior of mutual trust between the nucleus and the plasma which has no written rules. The theoretical basis used in measuring the level of mutual trust is without mutually agreed written rules. This research refers to the theory of PARSON (1985), which states that social action occurs in a situation, where some elements are certain, such as mutual trust that is bound in a rule, this is intended as a tool to achieve a common goal. The results showed that on average the partnership between nucleus and plasma was in the medium category, while plasma against nucleus was in the high category. the lack of sustainability of the goat farming business is due to the role of the government as an intermediary that still needs to be improved.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
 i10-index  17  14



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