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Aabha Sharma*


Background: Massorika/ Laghu Masoorika/ Romantika roga are very less described in Ayurveda. Sushruta[1] under Kshudra roga described Masoorika, where as, Charaka[2] and Madhava[3] has described Masoorika, Romantika and Bhavaprakasha has mentioned Masoorika too. But there is no description related to Laghu Masoorika in grantha, may be there was no such disease was present at that time. Madhava has elaborated these Roga in his text Madhava Nidana. He has stated that, this roga (disease) caused by the vitiation of Tridosha (Kapha-Pitta dominantly), excessive consumption of Amla-Lavana-Katu Rasa pradhana Aahara, Viruddha aahara and Grahadosha. The causative factor according to Modern science for diseases (Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Measles) are virus- Variola, Varicella, Measles Morbillivirus respectively. Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic management in the Sankramaka roga (acute infectious disease) like Masoorika. Materials and Methods: Shamana Aushadha selected for the management of Masoorika, in 17 years old male patient. Results: The Aushadha started showing results in the first week and by the end of two more weeks the Pradhana Lakshana subsided. Complete recovery was observed in 45 days. Conclusion: Shamana Aushsdha showed good results in such acute infectious conditions too.

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