World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Nada Alazab*, Ala Aldeen Alfaqara, Mohammed Al Bidarat, Dana Atiyat and Alaa Yasin


Background: Most research on drug use during pregnancy tends to focus on possible teratogenic effects. However, beliefs and awareness of the dangers of drugs can also affect drug use and fetal health. Objective: This study was designed to examine awareness of the risks and beliefs associated with drug use among pregnant women visited gynecological clinic in King Husain Hospital in Jordan. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 110 pregnant women who were referred for gynecological clinic at King Husain Hospital in Jordan during January 2022 by using special questionnaire. The questionnaire contained four parts. First part focused in sociodemographic characteristics. Seconds part focused on risk awareness among pregnant women toward medications. Third part focused on general opinion of pregnant women about drugs. Fourth part focused on special ideas of pregnant women about taking medicine during pregnancy. The results analyzed by SPSS. Result: The questionnaire distributed to 110 pregnant woman. Only 100 pregnant completed the questionnaire with response rate 90%. Around half of them had three to four pregnancies (48%) or more than four pregnancies (21%).A round one third of respondents were in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. (70%) of those surveyed were not prepared to take the drug without consulting a specialist. Infant abnormalities (35%), miscarriages (37%) and fetus dead (25%) were the most common reasons why respondents refused to take medication during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. The minority of them 15% disagree with natural products are safer than drugs. The majority of them 90% reported that the disagree that All drugs are toxic to the fetus. The majority of them considered doctors and pharmacists as their major source of drug information. Conclusion: This study found that there is negative attitude toward medication safety in pregnant woman. Although cautious to use drug during pregnancy is important issue, they overestimated the risks of drug use and their opinion about drugs was somewhat wrong. The health ministry should open counseling clinic to provide good information to the pregnant woman to increase their knowledge toward the safety of drug and herbal products in pregnant woman.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
 i10-index  17  14



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