World Journal of
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Muna Khashman*, Alaa Yasin, Mutazbellah F. Alzu'bi and Samir Abdel Jaleel


This study was performed to evaluate the community pharmacists knowledge toward medication safety in Jordan. Methods: An online survey was conducted among community pharmacists in Jordan during January, 2022. Randomly 110 select pharmacists from pharmacy association. The questionnaire consisted of four parts. These parts were focused in sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge concerning pharmacovigilance (PV), attitudes regarding PV and ADR reporting in the workplace. The data which collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 21.0. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and means (SD) were used in the analysis. Results: The majority of respondents were men (62%) with a bachelor's degree (91%) and 5 to7 years of work experience (32%). Most of the them understood the perception and purpose of PV. In addition, community pharmacists have a positive attitude toward reporting and only the minority of them reported that PV is the responsibility of pharmacists. Most of the them (80%) stated that there was no notification form at their workplace and the notifications were not widely perform. Half of respondents reported that not enough data provided by the patients is the major barrier of reporting ADR. Conclusion: The community pharmacist has a positive attitude towards medication safety. Jordanian government need to introduce more education programs toward medication safety and reporting side effects.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
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