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Dr. Vaishali R. Chaudhari*, Dr. Pranesh Gaikwad, Dr. Mamta M. Nakade, Dr. Yogesh B. Shinde and
Dr. Snehalata S. Pawar


Nose is organ which is anatomically connected with cranial cavity and other organs like eyes, ears, pharynx ultimately it is considered as a gateway to head. In context of Ayurveda, the word „Nasya? suggests the nasal route for administration of various drugs. Nasya procedure is mentioned as one of the Panchakarma procedures, which signify the importance of Nasya as Shodhana Karma (Purification procedure) especially for Urdhva Jatrugata Vikara (disease which affect the body above clavicle). There are different types of Nasya, depending upon Duration of Nasya, drug and method of Nasya and the various conditions in which Nasya is described by Acharya Sushruta, Charak and Vagabhata. According to Charaka Samhita, the drug administered through the nose enters in the Uttamanga and eliminates the morbid doshas residing at the Urdhwang. (Head region). The mode of action of Nasya should be understood in accordance with its drug content and type. As it is one of the non-invasive method methods of Nasya or advanced methods for trans nasal drug administration can be developed integrative approach. According to Ayurveda Nasya principally acts on Shira i.e., Central Nervous System and upper part of the body especially Head, Neck, Face, Ears, ENT, Shoulders etc. The mode of action of Nasya is said to be through the Marma Points which correlates with functions of Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland and other Neurochemical pathways etc. The understanding of Pharmacodynamic action of Nasya not only validates scientific foundation of Principles and Practices of Ayurvedic Panchakarma and but also facilitate and foster the Clinical Execution of Nasya Karma in Disease Prevention, Cure and in Health Promotion.

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