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Girish Desai*, Vishwanath Sharma and S. V. Shailaja


Dushtavrana is characterised by Atisamvruta/Ativivrta, Atikatina/Atimrdu, Utsanna/Avasanna, Atisheetha/ Atyushna, having Krishna/Raktha/Peetha/Sukla Varna, or Anyatama varna, filled with Puti-Puya-Mamsa-Sira-Snayu, unpleasant Gandha (odour) accompanied with Athyartha Vedana, Daha, Paka, Kandu, Srava and Deerghakalanubandhi. Dushta Vrana can be correlated to chronic wounds. Chronic wounds are a major public health challenge, the prevelance of chronic wounds in India is said to be 4.5 per 1000 of population. Management of chronic wounds is a potential area to be explored. Raktamokshana is one amongst the line of treatments in Dushtavrana. Rakta visravana is to be adopted in samrabda and vishama vrana using jalouka. Here a case is discussed where Dushtavrana was managed with Jaloukavacharana. A 55y old male patient presented with a non healing ulcer in the right lower limb just above the medial maleolus since 3 months, with the characteristics of venous ulcer. Jaloukavacharana was done around wound site, which showed significant reduction of inflammation, improvement in healing and subsequently contraction of wound could also be appreciated. Jaloukavacharana removes the vitiated blood thus helps in providing relief from pain(inflammation). The saliva of leech contains substances which have anticoagulant, vasodilator, local anaesthetic, anti inflammatory effects.These substances are injected into the lesion while the jalouka is sucking the blood. With these properties of the saliva of leech and improved circulation quicker healing of the wound could be observed.Thus, it can be concluded that Jaloukavacharana plays an important role in the treatment of various conditions like Dushtavrana.

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