World Journal of
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*Dr. Shilpa Kantilal Ingle and Dr. Ravindra S. Dhimdhime


In Ayurveda, Agni is correlated with the digestive fire and has very significant role in maintaining the whole internal environment of the body. Agni word is also used in the sense of digestion of food and metabolic products. The concept of fire or Agni is critically chief to our overall health. Actually Agni is the force of intelligence within each cell, each tissue, and every system within the body. Jatharagni the main Agni is considered as Dehagni/Kayagni which affects the functions of other Agni - Bhutagni and Dhatwagni leading to formation of Ama in the different stages of Pachanprakriya. Different theories regarding Agni and Pitta are there in Ayurveda but Pitta and Agni are the same i.e. Tyaktadravta Pitta is Agni, whereas in relation with their, build they differ from each other. In fact Agni has a very vast range of functions directly responsible for maintaining health and when it is impaired then it become the root cause for all imbalances and diseases. Ingested food is to be digested, absorbed and assimilated for the maintenance of life. Ingested food is converted in energy by Agni which is responsible for all the vital functions of our body. Therefore, Ayurveda considers that Dehagni is the cause of life, complexion, strength, health, nourishment, lusture, oja, teja (energy) and prana (life energy). Lastly we can say that Agni plays very important role in growth, development & maintenance of the body.

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