World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Dr. Sumiti Gupta, Dr. Roopali Sehrawat*, Dr. Pankaj Chhikara, Dr. Aanchal Gupta, Dr. Monika Jindal and Dr. Sunita Singh


Background: SARS-CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 is a single- stranded, non- segmented, enveloped RNA virus. Coronavirus causes disease ranging from asymptomatic or mild disease with fever, shortness of breath, cough and common cold to pneumonia and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Material and methods: Histopathological findings of three cases done during the month of May, 2021 who died of SARS-CoV 2 infections known to cause coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) were recorded. Results: Two cases had lung infection. It was heterogeneous ranging from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) to pneumonia. One case had foci of acute tubular injury in kidney in addition. Conclusion: Lungs were the major organs affected by SAR CoV 2 virus. Other organs were less frequently involved. Though present case series has small number of cases but histopathology of post mortem viscera are valuable in finding cause of death and improving treatment modalities.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
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