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Ambika Bali*


In Ayurveda, the concept of Srotas has been propagated very specifically. They are integral part of the body. Body is composed of numerous Srotas which have a significant role in maintenance of equilibrium of body elements. They are responsible for maintenance of health as well as disease condition. Srotas is a channel through which different elements undergo transformation, circulation and transportation. Pathological changes occur in the body due to Srotosanga, Srotodushti etc. The word Srotas is derived from Sanskrit root“Srugatau (Sru + Tansi = Srotas)”, which means moving, filtering, flowing, secreting and leaking. Sravanat Srotanshi means the “structure through which Sravanam (flow) occurs”. As per Chakrapani, Sravanat means Sravarnam of Rasadi Poshya Dhatu. Srotas are the channel of circulation which carries the Dhatus undergoing transformation to their destination. According to Acharya Sushruta there are two roots of Artav-vaha srotas, Garbhasaya (uterus) and Artav - vaha Dhamani. Here Artav-vaha Srotasis Antermukh Srotas which is also known as Yogvahi srotas. Here Artava is the menstrual blood and Artav vaha Srotas is the part of female reproductive system which is responsible for the formation of menstrual blood and the passage which carry the menstrual blood during menstrual cycle. We can consider all the systems including hormones secretory glands which are responsible for the formation of menstrual blood and its mensuration at righttime eg. Ovary and its follicle. Due to the injury in Artav vaha srotas infertility, sexual intolerance, amenorrhea symptoms can be seen. In last Artav vaha srotasa may be considered ovary, uterus, uterine endometrium, uterine arteries, cervix, vagina etc. Swetapradar is not an individual disease but seen as a symptom in various Yonivyapad. But sometimes the symptom is so severe that it affects routine activities of women. Leucorrhoea has been discussed in modern texts as pathological and physiological. Inspite of various research projects, satisfactory information is not available yet. Hence, more detail study and research need to be conducted. Due to modern lifestyle, physical and mental stress has been increased a lot; also diet is lack in nutritive value. This indeed leads to increase in number of patients of leucorrhoea.Modern medicines give symptomatic relief along with some side effects. Keeping this point of view in mind a medicine which not only reduces leucorrhoea but also improves the general health of the patients was planned for study. Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis) is kaphavatta shamak, pradarnashak as well as Tridoshaghna and an excellent rasayan. So, an effort was made to use Amalaki churna in leucorrhoea, as it is easily available, easy to administer and cost effective.

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