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Dr. Sonal Meena*, Dr. Ragini Shukla, Prof. Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Dr. Purushottam Das Sharma, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Sharma and Dr. Deepa


Gallstones are solid particles that develop in the gallbladder, a tiny organ underneath the liver. To aid digestion, the gallbladder stores and releases bile, a fluid produced by your liver. Bile also transports wastes such as cholesterol and bilirubin, which your body produces as red blood cells are broken down. Gallstones can develop as a result of several factors. Gallstone disease caused by cholesterol is a frequent clinical illness impacted by hereditary factors, advancing age, female gender, and metabolic variables. Gallstones are called "Pittashmari" in Ayurveda, where "Ashmari" means "stones" and "Pitta" refers to the unbalanced Pitta dosha of bile in the gall bladder. This happens when excess Kapha dosha combines with the Pitta characteristics of the viscous fluid bile, causing it to become dry and hardened. This always causes symptoms such as "Alasya,"or lethargy, "Gaurav," or abdominal heaviness, and a decrease in "Agni," or the digestive fire. The ancient texts of Charaka Samhita,Ashtanga Hridaya, and Sushruta Samhita not only explain the pathophysiology of gallstones, but also provide a wealth of natural treatments for balancing the doshas and resolving cholelithiasis.

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