World Journal of
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Dr. Sachin Kumar Sharma*, Dr. Renu Tripathi, Dr. Ashok Kumar Dwivedi and Dr. Mini K. V.


Marma are the vital points of the body. „Maryanti Iti Marmaani?, the meaning of Marma word is vitality, death occurs after infliction to these places so called Marma. Any injury to these vital sites can cause symptoms like disfigurement, pain, loss of movement and may lead to death after a certain period of time. Marma Sharir and its practical application is very important during surgery and to understand the injuries at Marma sites, their prognosis and possible prevention. The references regarding Marma are found from Vedic to Samhita period and broadly explained the use of Marma Shastra to save the life of a person in a critical condition during warfare. Acharya Sushruta has given the most broad classification and detailed description about Marma. Marma is a aggregation of Mansa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi in which Prana dwells by nature. Mansa Marma are predominantly made up of Mansa i.e muscle tissue which forms the structural component. The other elements namely Sira, Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu are also present but in a recessive form. Any injury to this Marma site can cause severe pain or infection which may lead to death after a certain period of time. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the concept of Marma as mentioned in Bruhattrayi with special reference of Mansa Marma.

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