World Journal of
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Ellyka Purwaningrum, Siti Thomas Zulaikhah and Stalis Norma Ethica*


Background Liquid biomedical waste, though generated in small quantity, exposes great risk to public health because aside of being infectious, it could easily contaminate other wastes. World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended bioremediation method for handling biomedical waste as it is considered economical and environmentally friendly. Indigenous hydrolytic bacteria with low level of pathogenicity have been acknowledged for their potential to act as bioremediation agents of liquid biomedical waste. This research aimed to obtain indigenous, hydrolytic bacterial isolates with low pathogenicity level, so to fulfill the characteristics as a bioremediation agent for liquid clinical laboratory waste. Methods: To obtain bacterial isolates with potential as bioremediation agents for liquid biomedical, procedures of isolation, selection and molecular identification using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) targeting bacterial 16S rRNA gene were conducted. Indigenous bacteria were first isolated from liquid clinical waste on Nutrient Agar (NA) media and then selected through hydrolysis test on Skim Milk Agar (SMA) and tributyrin media as well as pathogenicity test on Blood Agar Plate (BAP) and McConkey (MC) media. Finally, the selected bacteria were subjected to molecular identification. Results: Six isolates of indigenous bacteria, IBLS-1 to IBLS-6, could be obtained from liquid waste of IBL clinical laboratory. Two of them molecularly identified as Bacillus paramycodes IBLS-1 and B. firmus IBLS-4 were hydrolytic and lactose fermenters, yet had no ability to cause hemolysis on BAP media Conclusion/Conclusions: Two indigenous B. paramycodes IBLS-1 and B. firmus IBLS-4, fulfill characteristics as bioremediation agent of liquid biomedical waste of IBL clinical laboratory at Semarang.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
 i10-index  17  14



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