*Umida Makhmudzhanovna Tillaeva and Rustam Tursunovich Tulyaganov
The combined composition of suppositories " Fensin -ob " for the results of the study of the specific action and therapeutic activity showed that the drug relieves aseptic edema, has an anti-inflammatory and wound - healing effect with a desinsibilizing effect. A study to study the cumulative properties of Fensulkala suppositories of the new combination "Fensin-OB" was carried out by the method of subchronic toxicity according to the method of Lima et al. The experiments were performed on 1 0 rats. (guinea pigs) of both sexes weighing 20 0 ± 15.0 g. After determining the cumulative properties of the suppositories "Fensin-about", the animals were decapitated for pathomorphological examination of internal organs, with the calculation of the integral indicator - the mass coefficient (MC). The analysis of this indicator makes it possible to detect target organs with a pathologically related effect. The calculation of MC is made according to the formula: MC = Organ mass (g) / body weight (g) × 100. The comparison drug was the suppositories " Fensulkal" at a dose of 150 mg / kg and "Diclofenac" at a dose of 150 mg / kg (manufacturer: De ntafill Plyus LLC , Uzbekistan. Experimental studies have shown that with the rectal administration of the new composition, the suppository "Fensin - about" at a dose of 2000-5000 mg / kg in animals does not cause any negative reactions, as well as pathological changes. In addition , the peripheral blood was examined: the content of hemoglobin, g / l, the number of erythrocytes, 10 12 / l and leukocytes 10 9 / l . ... Cytograms showed a neutrophilic reaction, but at the same time there was a tendency to an increase in the number of macrophages and polyblasts, which confirms the strengthening of the reparative process. At the end of the study, the cumulation coefficient was calculated using the formula. The experiments indicate that the cumulation coefficient: CC> 1, which indicates the absence of the cumulative effect of the test drug.
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