World Journal of
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Arup Kumar Maity*, Ashrubindu Bhunia and Dr. Beduin Mahanti


Cancer may be a multistep method and characterized by irregular proliferation of cells. Usually, these cells invade and destroy the traditional cells, so making associate imbalance within the body. Cancer is caused because of numerous factors like tobacco consumption, exposure of body to chemicals, dietary factors and environmental factors. Typical medication for treatment of cancer has many impacts on healthy cells. There’s additionally a problematic issue of increase in tumor resistance to the present therapeutic agents. Because of this, there’s a good have to be compelled to fight this malady with more practical medication. Natural product plays a very important role in fight against cancer and provides a valuable entry for the utilization and investigation of latest therapeutic agents. Healthful plants represent an honest supply of discovery and development of anticancer agents. Healthful plants contain many biologically active compounds that enable them to cure cancer. They contain numerous secondary metabolites that embody Alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic, carotenoids etc. Edges of medication from plant origin over synthetic (chemical) drugs have accrued the importance of healthful plants within the field of attention. Varied healthful plants area unit identified to possess antineoplastic activity. Phytocompounds from these plant sources will forestall cancer initiation, promotion and progress by exerting anti-oxidant effects that mediates by the combination the combination, Nrf2 and AP-1signal pathways. Overall, this chapter provides a comprehensive repository for the scientific community operating to develop new and improved medicines for cancer that poses serious threat to world all across the world.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
 i10-index  17  14



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