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Chukwuma L. N., Enweani I. B., Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi*, Udeogu C.V., Dilibe E.A., Arua C.O.A. and Aguchibe U. C.


Airborne microorganisms are transmitted through the air which can cause respiratory ailments in humans leading to allergies such as asthma and pathogenic infections of the respiratory tract. Most institutions such as prisons and schools accommodate a large number of people and airborne diseases thrive best in overcrowded and unhygienic environment. The study was designed to determine the prevalence of airborne bacterial isolates in Enugu and Nsukka indoor prison environments and possible pathogenic effects on the upper respiratory tract of the inmates. Convenience sampling method was employed. One hundred and forty (140) samples were analyzed consisting indoor air from prison offices (48), inmates cell (28), lavatory (16), furniture (8), nasal swabs (20) and hostels (20). In this study, A6 single impactor with high vaccum pump was used in the collection of indoor air samples; thermometer was used for measuring the temperature of the room and hygrometer for measuring the humidity. Sterile swabs were used for the collection of nasal samples, furniture, walls, toilets and bathroom surfaces. Culture media such as Brain heart infusion agar, Malt extract agar,Sabouraund dextrose agar (0.05?g Chloramphenicol and 1?g of Streptomycin) and Chromagar, Nutrient agar, Blood agar and chocolate agar were used for fungi and bacteria isolation respectively. The Data gathered from this research was analyzed using SPSS statistical software version 23.The results showed that the prevalence of airborne bacteria isolates, were 94.4, 88.9% for bacteria in prison offices in Nsukka and Enugu respectively. In prison cells, the prevalence were 11.1, 5.6% for bacteria in Enugu and Nsukka respectively. There was no significant difference in the distribution of bacterial isolates in Enugu and Nsukka cells at P=0.223, using Chisquare. The indoor temperature and humidity of Enugu and Nsukka were the same at P using ANOVA, when compared with the hostels that served as control. It is advocated that proper and adequate measures should be put in place to improve hygienic practices of the prison indoor environments to beef up healthy living and wellbeing of occupants.

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