World Journal of
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Dr. Shamna T. V.* and Dr. Venkatakrishna K. V.


Introduction: „Ahara sambhavam vasthu rogasthu ahara sambhava:?mentioned in Charaka Samhitha itself unwrap the importance of Ahara (food) in formation of healthy body. The concept of Ahara explained in Ayurveda canot be correlated with the concept of nutrition of contemporary science in all terms. The principles of Aahara, method of intake, quantity etc are incorporated in Vimanasthana (Third section) has its root in Suttra sthana (first section) of Charaka samhita. Even though there is Annapana chathushka (Group of four chapters dealing with food and drinks) separately mentioned in Charaka Samhitha, the Swastha chathushka (Group of four chapters dealing with health) starts with Matrashiteeya Adhyaya (Chapter on consuming food in proper quantity) which shows the importance of Matra pramana (proper quantity) of Ahara in maintaining the health - the prime aim of Ayurveda. Acharya Chakrapanidatta has tried to magnify the encapsulated keys with his insightful clinical observation for enhanced forward transmission of knowledge in such a way, which definitely explore various thoughts and applicability. The present paper attempts to gather the knowledge scattered in Sutra and Vimana sthana and investigate the elaborated meaning behind a single Sutra (aphorism) “MATRASHEE SYAT” of Sutrasthana 5th chapter to explore its significance. Materals and Method: Literature review. Conclusion: Matrapramana of food is individual based and it varies according to Agnibala of the person. Thus the food undergoes digestion within stipulated time without creating changes in the normalcy of body.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
 i10-index  17  14



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