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Yogendra Prasad, Kamleshwar Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Sunil Kumar and Sanjay Kumar*


Oat (Avena sativa L.) is a multi-purpose winter cereal forage crop grown in many parts of the world. In India, it is used as green fodder, hay and silage for animals. The experimental material for present study consisted of 14 diverse for the presence genotype of oat. Observations were recorded on seven quantitative traits to assess the variability and diversity analysis using D2 analysis during Rabi 2018-19 at RVC Farm, BAU, Kanke (Jharkhand). Estimates of high heritability (broad sense) were obtained for all the characters. The magnitude of PCV was greater than the corresponding GCV for all the characters indicating importance of environment in the expression of characters on the basis of result. Out of seven characters studied, days to 50 % flowering, plant height (cm), dry matter yield per plot, dry matter yield (%), green fodder yield (kg/plot), Leaf/Stem ratio and Crude Protein (%) showed high GCV and heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean which revealed that these traits might be under control of additive gene effects and therefore, they are more reliable for effective selection. Clustering pattern grouped the germplasm lines into six different clusters. Cluster VI is characterized by lines having prominent traits like high green fodder yield and tall plants. Contribution percentage towards genetic divergence was more for days to 50% flowering (40.66), Crude Protein % (23.08), Plant height (13.19 cm), Green fodder yield (13.19 kg/ha) and Leaf/Stem ratio (6.59). So the direct selection for these traits would be helpful in the selection of diverse for the presence genotype. This study gave an insight into the variability pattern of advanced oat lines which will be helpful for further utilisation.

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