World Journal of
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Dr. Madhu Jangid* Dr. Avadhesh Bhatt and Dr. Babulal Saini


DA is an Ayurvedic herb mineral compound formulation mentioned in Bhaishjya Ratnawali and Bharat Bhaishjya Ratnakar in “Hikkaswasa Rogadhikar. In today era standardization is utmost necessary to confirm its identity and to determine its quality, purity, safety, effectiveness and acceptability of the product.The present study was executed to establish a fingerprint for this unique formulation, which can be adopted by the Ayurvedic pharmacies for drug standardisation. DA is a formulation prepared by as per standard operating procedures mentioned in classical text then it characterize by modern analytical techniques. DA main ingredient is Abharak Bhasma and nine ingredients sequentially used as Bhavana Dravya like Bharangi, Dattura, Giloya, Vasa, Kasmard, Vannimb (Bakayan), Chavya, Pippali, Chitraka. To ensure the proper preparation of main ingredient AB Ayurvedic classical test were used and analyzed using by modern parameter like Physio chemical test, element assay, XRD. After Bhamsa compiles these tests, DA was prepared and subjected for qualitative analysis like Physio- chemical analysis, HPTLC, microbial estimation and element essay. Element essay of DA and AB reveals that it contain Al, K, Fe, Mg, silica., XRD study was performed on AB that indicates AB contains ferric oxide, ferrous oxide, Alumina, Magnesium oxide and silica. Microbiological Analysis showed the total plate count was 140 cfu/g and total yeast & mold count was 40 cfu/g within specified limit as per API. HPTLC revealed presence of organic constituents from plant material. This is the first study establishing the characterization of DA.

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