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Dr. Suchitra N. Adiga*, Dr. Shankar S. and Dr. Shailaja S. V.


In Ayurveda Granthi is nothing but pathological condition of vitiated Doshas in Mamsa, Rakta, Meda and other structures which results into a knot like elevated abnormal growth.[1] Granthi means a cyst or a cystic swelling. A cyst is a sac or cavity that contains fluid or semisolid matter and surrounded by a wall often lined by epithelial or endothelial cells. The main line of treatment of cyst is surgical excison along with the sac in contemporary science, which is also highlighted in Ayurveda by Acharya Charaka.[2] Granthi as explained by Acharya Sushruta is of 5 types and by Acharya Vagbhata is of 9 types. A cyst can be congenital eg- Dermoid cyst or acquired eg- Sebaceous cyst. It can also be of True which is lined by epithelium/endothelium and False which is formed from anatomical space i.e., endothelium varieties.[3] The cyst is usually painless, only when it gets infected it becomes painful.[4] The treatment of cyst is always surgical i.e., excision along with the sac. Only when it gets infected one should go for conservative management. Both Ayurveda and Contemporary science highlight the Importance of excision of cyst along with sac. There are high chances of reoccurrance when the sac is not completely removed. In Ayurveda there is reference of Granthi attaining Paka after which Bhedana is done and treated like a Vrana.

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