World Journal of
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Dr. Ashish Mahajan* and Dr. Twinkle Gupta


Urinary tract infection is the most common infection managed in general medical practice and accounts for 1-3% of consultations. Women are especially prone to UTIs. One woman in five develops UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) at least once during her life time. UTIs in men are not so common, but they can be very serious when they do occur. The symptoms of Urinary tract infection are similar to Mutrakriccha as described in Ayurveda. A male patient aged 24 years came with complaint of burning micturition, painfull micturition, weakness and mild vertigo. He was unable to get proper sleep. Patient was treated by certain Ayurveda drugs Chandraprabhavati, Gokshuradi Guggulu, Gokshura (Tribulus terresteris) Churna, Shatavari (Asparagus recemosus), Syrup Neeri, Syrup Shita Sudha and Pathya Aahar (dietetic regimen). Patient had marked relief in pain and burning sensation. On follow up after 15 days patient had sustained improvement in symptoms. Patient was very happy and satisfied with the management. There was significant improvement in the case of Mutrakriccha. Mutrakriccha (urinary tract infection) though is difficult to manage, but Ayurvedainternal medicines can be good option for better management.

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