World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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*Khamis Yass Al-Qubaeissy, Qahtan Abed Hanash and Ismail Salih Hamam Al-Esawi


The aim of this study was to find out various proportion of diseases responsible for bleeding per rectum in adults and to find out diagnostic utility of anoproctoscopy, rigid sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy for patients with bleeding per rectum. It also aimed to find out the usefulness of other investigations like upper GI scopy, computed tomography etc., in undiagnosed cases. In this study, a total of (100) patients who presented with per rectum bleeding at Al-Ramadi teaching hospital/Iraq were included during the period from June 2018 to December 2019. All cases were subjected to anoproctoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy. Colonoscopy was done in cases with severe or recurrent bleeding which were undiagnosed by sigmoidoscopy. The results at the end of evaluation showed that the cause of bleeding was identified in 72 (72.0%) of the cases, while 28 cases (28.0%) remained undiagnosed. It can be concluded from the current study that large bowel endoscopy increases the diagnostic yield in patients with per rectum bleeding. Rigid sigmoidoscopy is a safe OPD based procedure, recommended in all patients presenting with bleeding per rectum and if the cause for bleeding per rectum cannot be diagnosed by rigid sigmoidoscopy, then colonoscopy is indicated.

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  All Since 2020
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