Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta*, Dr. Swati Garg and Dr. Trupti Gupta
The eyes are said to be most important than all other Indriyas. They are considered as the reflectors of the mind. Eyes are the most precisely developed portions of the brain seen outside the skull. CharakSamhita had mentioned few details as for as eye is concerned. The prevalence of myopia of adults aged over 30 years was 17% in Central India 1 and 19.4% in Indians with diabetes aged over 40 years2.Sushruta the Father of ancient Indian surgery has recommended ‘Kriyakalpa’ for the management of Timira and other netrarog along with other forms of treatment. The term Kriyakalpa refers to the treatment, which can be applied for almost all types of eye diseases; and it comprises of Tarpana, Putapaka, Anjana, Aschyotanaand Seka.Netratarpan is the best modality of myopia and other eye disease. Administration of Tarpanain the Eye, Drug absorbthrough various layers of the eye and drugs spread in to the deeper tissues through RupavahaSiras. Ghritais having Rasayana, Balya&Chakshushyaproperties. By the Activationof Alochaka Pittait induces of hakshuvaisheshika& BuddhivaisheshikaAlochaka Pitt. ChakshuvaisheshikaAlochaka Pitta Increased power of DrishtiNadi. BuddhivaisheshikaAlochaka PittActivate of Visual center in Brain (Optic nerve). So Tarpan improve Visual status. Administration of Tarpanain the Eye, Fat soluble ingredients of Drugs absorbed through Cornea Transportation of drugs through Cornea and reach to deeper tissues Lipids (Phaspholipids - Glycerides) Amino acids and proteins, Vit A, D, E, K & Carotene increase Lubrication between lens fibers & increase Muscular power of ciliary muscles. Lipids functions as a lubricating substance between cornea & lens fibres and fat soluble fatty acids Act as an antioxidants. It Helps in anaerobic oxidation which prevent the cornea and Lens from oxidative injuries. So Tarpan is best treatment modality for Eyes Disease. It maintains the health of eye &cures the eye diseases.
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