World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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*Dr. Anil M. Khole


The city Parbhani is characterized by the fact of majority of households’ outlets contains dispose of household sewage, lending to contamination of ground and surface water and a disturbance to the environment. The objective of this study is to protect the water and soil sources from the risk of pollution, reduce pollution, maintain health and domestic sewage water treatment. In this study, analyzed household sewage water from 2 locations for to find out its physical and chemical parameters. The parameters such as pH, DO, DCO2, TDS, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, BOD, COD, Phosphate. The changing characteristics of sewage water, due to discharge of contaminants, are responsible for many changes that are taking place today in the sewage water treatment. This discharge of sewage water to environment caused adverse condition, and this led to the development of intensive methods of sewage treatment.

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  All Since 2020
 Citation  590  424
 h-index  12  10
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