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Dr. Merisa Nur Azmi*, Siti Badriyah Rushayati and Hendra Gunawan


Mekarsari Biodiversity Park (MBP) is a form of green open space owned by Aqua Golden Mississippi Inc. which the function is to improve environmental performance in the context of protecting biodiversity. Changes in the use of vegetation land into built-up land in MBP and surrounding areas is happened because of increased housing needs and industrial activities. Land cover analysis is used to determine the area of tree vegetation per block in MBP. The value of air comfort was analyzed using the Temperature Humidity Index equation, then a simple linear regression analysis to determine the relationship of the THI value with the temperature and humidity values. Qualitative descriptive analysis is done to determine the perceptions of respondents that consist of factory employees and the public of temperature and humidity of the air at the observation site outside the MBP with a range of distances that are close, medium, and far from MBP. The study results obtained regression equation THI = - 5.43 + 0.982 T + 0.0598 RH, which means an increase in air temperature (T) by 1 ° C will increase THI by 0.982. Increasing humidity (RH) by 1% will increase THI by 0.0598. Decreased air comfort when getting further away from the MBP is also seen based on measurements of temperature and humidity in the field and THI calculations. The more away from MBP, the THI value increases and falls into the uncomfortable category.

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