World Journal of
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*Shailaja Kali, Idpuganti Sudheer Babu, Hemanth Kumar Muttevi, Manasa Pydi


Dementia is world’s fifth leading cause of mortality. It is an term for several diseases affecting memory, other cognitive abilities and behavior. There are mainly three types of dementia are seen commonly allover the world, there are Vascular dementia, Alzheimer disease and Mixed dementia. Vascular dementia cover 40% in the whole dementia, Alzheimer's disease occupy nearly 60% of dementia but Mixed dementia is more prevalent it is due to other types of dementia are less prevalent. dementia is influenced by several factors like hypertension,age, obesity etc… but main risk factor is hypertension and it is also differ based on age as mid life hypertension seen in people of middle age 40-65years and late life hypertension see in people of 75years or above. In this article we come over about dementia, types of dementia with etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of each type and influence of hypertension on dementia with recent evidences through studies on it along with world wide and India wide future projections on incidence of dementia up to 2050 and recent age standardization death rates worldwide.

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  All Since 2020
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