World Journal of
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Vd. Anant A. Sangale and Dr. Mrudula V. Joshi


In Today’s era, Prameha disease is a big challenge in front of society and all healthcare systems. Due to reason of family history and other modern improper lifestyle, the number of Pramehi patients is gaining high. Over time Prameha disease leads to serious damage to many of the body systems, especially blood vessels, heart, kidney, eye, brain, nervous system of the body. Ayurveda can create a great hope in this situation in the field of preventive aspect. Ayurveda has mentioned some basic principles for maintenance of swasthya and one of the main principle is Nidan Parivarjana. Hence Nidana of Prameha should be considered of prime importance in disease creation. According to Sushrutacharya, avyayam is one of the nidan of Prameha disease. In dinacharya mentioned in granthas, vyayam is basic regimen should be followed daily. Nowadays due to luxurious life, many people avoid vyayam. So this avyayam nidan has taken in consideration to study Prameha disease.

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  All Since 2019
 Citation  422  322
 h-index  9  7
 i10-index  4  2



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